- Edgeworth Water Authority
313 Beaver Rd
Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143 - Map
- Phone 412-741-5100
- Fax 412-741-5131
- Notification 412-259-9977 (reverse 911)
- Schedule
Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Closed Saturday and Sunday
In the event of an after-hour emergency please contact your local police department. They will contact the Authority.
Board Meetings are held on the second Monday each month at the Edgeworth Borough Building 301 Beaver Road at 6:00 pm. prevailing time.
Sean O'Neill, Superintendent
Christine Hurni, Business Manager
Susan Kuhni, Administrative Assistant
Chairperson-Vacant Edgeworth Borough Representative
Thomas Michael, Sr. Vice Chairman Leetsdale Borough Representative
Joseph McGurk, Treasurer Leetsdale Borough Representative
Dennis Zeitler, Assistant Treasurer Edgeworth Borough Representative
David Aloe, Assistant Secretary Edgeworth Borough Representative